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Tackle Annoying Asthma Symptoms With Your Doctor

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Posted on: 08/24/22

If you were recently diagnosed as an asthmatic, you may be panicking. Asthma is a chronic condition, meaning there is no cure. An asthma diagnosis is definitely not the end of the world, though. This article will outline some simple ways you can begin to manage asthma safely and effectively.

A good tip that can help you if your child has asthma is to do everything you can to educate your child about asthma. Young children have no idea what asthma is or how it affects them, so its your job to inform them and to help them work through it.

Asthma is caused by certain triggers, therefore the easiest way to avoid painful attacks is to avoid them. These triggers can be anything from pollen to pet hair so it is important to seek professional help to determine the underlying cause. If this is not an option for you keep an asthma diary, listing your activities before an attack to help to identify the real cause.

People who have asthma should avoid using scented household products. Products that contain fragrance, such as perfumes, colognes, or air fresheners, fill the air with irritants that can trigger an asthma attack. Freshly painted walls and brand-new carpet can also give off odors that cause irritation to airways. Try to keep the indoor air as clean and fresh as possible.

Make sure you use your preventative inhaler that is prescribed by your doctor. Note that a preventative inhaler is different than a rescue inhaler, which is used during an acute attack. A preventative inhaler, on the other hand, dispenses medicine designed to keep the air flowing, which reduces acute attacks.

Know what triggers your asthma and how to avoid them. Triggers are different for each person, so it may take some time to figure out what yours are. Keep a diary of them. Once you find out what your triggers are, try to avoid or limit your contact with them.

Add onions to your daily diet. Onions contain a chemical called diphenyl-thiosulfate, which has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and anti-asthmatic effects. Eating more onions can reduce your need for pharmaceutical interventions in order to treat your asthma symptoms, by increasing your bodys natural ability to reduce inflammation in your lungs.


If you are out of shape, a solid exercise regimen can help improve your asthma symptoms. The fact is that under-exerting ourselves can lead the body to exhaustion more easily. By pushing your boundaries, you tone functions vital to your bodys general balance, making your body less likely to go haywire.

If you have asthma, know your triggers. What is it that causes an asthma attack to come on? Many common triggers are allergies and irritants. For some, it is exercise or extreme temperatures. Emotional or anxiety issues can also cause asthma type attacks. Knowing what causes your attack can also be what will help you find a proper treatment.

Be careful when starting an exercise program, and always ease into strenuous activities. Physical exertion isnt an asthma trigger for everyone, but all asthmatics suffer from some degree of airway constriction all the time, by definition, which makes it harder on your system when you work out. For those whose asthma is triggered by exercise, easing in can make it possible to exercise without suffering an attack.

Dealing with asthma is rather like being a Boy Scout; the important part is to be prepared. You can avoid the serious complications of an asthma attack by managing your symptoms properly. This article is a building block in your knowledge to combat asthma effectively!

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